Internationales Sommerstudio
Master Studio, Auslandsprojekt, AD
Prof. Frederik Künzel
Das Sommerstudio für experimentellen Wohnungsbau im Masterstudiengang beschäftigt sich mit offenen Fragestellungen. Das Format des internationalen Sommerstudios von Frederik Künzel besteht seit dem Jahr 2015. Hierbei geht es um räumliche Aufgaben in einem anderen Kulturraum. In einer für die Studierenden nicht gewohnten Umgebung kann nicht mehr nur auf bekannte Muster zurückgegriffen werden, sondern müssen eigene Lebensroutinen hinterfragt und andere beobachtet werden, um diese in klar umrissene und grundlegend überdachte räumliche Konzepte zu übersetzen.
Het Oude Westen - International Studio Rotterdam
Prof. Thomas Burlon und Prof. Frederik Künzel, Sommersemester 2024
Related to the loss of the entire inner-city during the second world war, Rotterdam is called the City without a Heart, what also always referred to a city without a city center for decades.Seen the developments of the last two decennia’s nothing else is more untrue nowadays. From the new main station with its vast square to the river Maas and its fotogenic skyline, down to the southside and its unique high dense waterfronts, an impressive city center immerges.Despite all of that, one will find a quite unique area just in a distance of a 5-minute stroll from that very present central station. The fabric is dense yet low-rise with a set of longitudinal, narrow streets and small passages, that gets one disorientated quite quick: The Oude Westen is a neighborhood in its own rights, right in the city center of Rotterdam. Let’s find out how to give it an upgrade that is as unique as the hood itself in a typical manner of the city of Rotterdam: creative, experimental and maybe even radical.
Post Pandemic Potentials - International Studio Lancaster
Prof. Valentin Bontjes van Beek und Prof. Frederik Künzel, Sommersemester 2023
This project is about the river Lune and everything around it, in a time where people come out of hiding to rediscover new freedoms. We would like to invite you to investigate the potentials of the city Lancaster, by trying to connect and re/combine newly gained experiences and lifestyles with an existing, highly inspiring city.